Jepa Foundations Education and Authentic Development |
HistoryThe JEPA Foundation was formally established in Genoa on June 3, 1994 and acts as a de-facto foundation under Italian law. Its activity is centered on projects in medical areas. The JEPA- LIMMAT Foundation, associated with the Limmat - Stiftung, was legally recognized in Zürich on February 17, 1995 under Swiss law.
It administers projects approved by its Advisory Board. FinalitiesThe main objective of the Foundations is to promote a reduction of the socio-economic gap between developed and developing countries, consistently with their culture and resources, through advanced educational projects and “model” development projects. In 2019 the Foundations celebrated the 25th year of activity. A highlight of past and projected activity is presented in a message by the President in Document 1 Archive. By the end of 2022 the evolution of the activities of the Foundations can thus be summarized: A. Grants for advanced specializations. B. Public-private projects. C. Jepa Courses D. Architectonical Projects